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- 2020 Decennial Census
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2020 Decennial Census
Diversity Index *
2020 | 2010 | Change |
17 | 13 | 4 |
* The USA TODAY diversity index shows on a scale of 0 to 100 how likely it is two people from an area would have a different race or ethnicity. A score of 0 would mean everyone had the same race and ethnicity; a score of 100 would mean everyone in an area had a distinctly different combination of race and ethnicity. Nearly everywhere is some place in the middle. The index was invented in 1991 by Phil Meyer of the University of North Carolina and Shawn McIntosh, who was then with USA TODAY. This score differs from the Census Bureau's version of the diversity index because of differences in how the bureau's formula counts race and Hispanic origin.
Population by Race/Ethnicity
2020 | 2010 | Change | ||||
# | % | # | % | |||
Total | 1,638 | 1,535 | 6.7% | |||
Race | White | 1,528 | 93.3% | 1,473 | 96.0% | 3.7% |
Black | 6 | 0.4% | 8 | 0.5% | -25.0% | |
American Indian | 10 | 0.6% | 8 | 0.5% | 25.0% | |
Asian | 9 | 0.5% | 4 | 0.3% | 125.0% | |
Pacific Islander | 0 | 0.0% | 1 | 0.1% | -100.0% | |
Other | 1 | 0.1% | 6 | 0.4% | -83.3% | |
Two or More | 84 | 5.1% | 35 | 2.3% | 140.0% | |
Ethnicity | Hispanic or Latino | 42 | 2.6% | 51 | 3.3% | -17.6% |
Population by Race/Ethnicity: 18 Years and Over
2020 | 2010 | Change | ||||
# | % | # | % | |||
Total | 1,233 | 1,146 | 7.6% | |||
Race | White | 1,154 | 93.6% | 1,110 | 96.9% | 4.0% |
Black | 6 | 0.5% | 5 | 0.4% | 20.0% | |
American Indian | 8 | 0.6% | 7 | 0.6% | 14.3% | |
Asian | 5 | 0.4% | 3 | 0.3% | 66.7% | |
Pacific Islander | 0 | 0.0% | 1 | 0.1% | -100.0% | |
Other | 1 | 0.1% | 5 | 0.4% | -80.0% | |
Two or More | 59 | 4.8% | 15 | 1.3% | 293.3% | |
Ethnicity | Hispanic or Latino | 24 | 1.9% | 25 | 2.2% | -4.0% |
Diversity Index *
2020 | 2010 | Change |
17 | 13 | 4 |
* The USA TODAY diversity index shows on a scale of 0 to 100 how likely it is two people from an area would have a different race or ethnicity. A score of 0 would mean everyone had the same race and ethnicity; a score of 100 would mean everyone in an area had a distinctly different combination of race and ethnicity. Nearly everywhere is some place in the middle. The index was invented in 1991 by Phil Meyer of the University of North Carolina and Shawn McIntosh, who was then with USA TODAY. This score differs from the Census Bureau's version of the diversity index because of differences in how the bureau's formula counts race and Hispanic origin.
Housing Units
2020 | 2010 | Change | |||
# | % | # | % | ||
Total Housing Units | 636 | 588 | 8.2% | ||
Occupied | 623 | 98.0% | 560 | 95.2% | 11.2% |
Vacant | 13 | 2.0% | 28 | 4.8% | -53.6% |
Population in Group Quarters
2020 | |
Total Population in Group Quarters | 0 |
Institutionalized Population | 0 |
Correctional Facilities for Adults | 0 |
Juvenile Facilities | 0 |
Nursing Facilities/Skilled-nursing Facilities | 0 |
Other Institutional Facilities | 0 |
Noninstitutionalized Population | 0 |
College/University Student Housing | 0 |
Military Quarters | 0 |
Other Noninstitutional Facilities | 0 |
Total Population Change
Less than -3%
-3% to 0%
0% to 3%
3% to 6%
6% to 9%
9% to 12%
12% to 15%
15% to 18%
More than 18%
2020 Boundary
2010 Boundary
1:500,000 scale
Other Areas in Menoken township, Shawnee County, Kansas
Total Population | Age 18 and Over | ||||||
Total Population | Age 18 and Over | ||||||
Area | Diversity Index | Total Population | Hispanic | Not Hispanic, White | Total Population | Hispanic | Not Hispanic, White |
010 United States | 67 12 | 331,449,281 7.4% | 62,080,044 18.7% 23.0% | 191,697,647 57.8% -2.6% | 258,343,281 8.8% | 43,322,792 16.8% 19.9% | 157,118,573 60.8% 0.0% |
040-20 Kansas | 51 13 | 2,937,880 3.0% | 382,603 13.0% 27.5% | 2,122,575 72.2% -4.8% | 2,229,316 4.9% | 241,586 10.8% 35.8% | 1,683,982 75.5% -2.8% |
050-20177 Shawnee County, Kansas | 53 11 | 178,909 0.5% | 23,861 13.3% 23.6% | 125,873 70.4% -6.4% | 137,135 2.5% | 14,863 10.8% 31.9% | 102,176 74.5% -4.2% |
060-2017703275 Auburn township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 23 9 | 3,312 5.2% | 157 4.7% 51.0% | 2,952 89.1% 0.6% | 2,438 5.6% | 94 3.9% 70.9% | 2,225 91.3% 1.4% |
060-2017718475 Dover township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 22 11 | 1,677 10.0% | 62 3.7% 100.0% | 1,506 89.8% 4.9% | 1,316 11.8% | 35 2.7% 150.0% | 1,198 91.0% 6.4% |
060-2017729075 Grove township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 21 13 | 734 5.5% | 17 2.3% 240.0% | 660 89.9% -1.3% | 532 16.4% | 11 2.1% 450.0% | 484 91.0% 8.8% |
060-2017745850 Menoken township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 17 4 | 1,638 6.7% | 42 2.6% -17.6% | 1,503 91.8% 4.7% | 1,233 7.6% | 24 1.9% -4.0% | 1,139 92.4% 4.1% |
060-2017747275 Mission township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 33 12 | 10,055 7.4% | 622 6.2% 48.4% | 8,426 83.8% 1.2% | 7,664 9.9% | 374 4.9% 61.2% | 6,600 86.1% 3.9% |
060-2017747700 Monmouth township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 24 12 | 3,185 5.4% | 165 5.2% 75.5% | 2,814 88.4% -0.6% | 2,544 6.5% | 97 3.8% 51.6% | 2,298 90.3% 1.8% |
060-2017761425 Rossville township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 33 12 | 1,882 -1.3% | 113 6.0% -4.2% | 1,588 84.4% -6.4% | 1,333 3.7% | 51 3.8% -3.8% | 1,164 87.3% -0.3% |
060-2017765625 Silver Lake township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 19 6 | 1,942 -4.1% | 61 3.1% -11.6% | 1,768 91.0% -6.7% | 1,447 -0.6% | 34 2.3% 9.7% | 1,337 92.4% -3.8% |
060-2017766225 Soldier township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 26 11 | 15,109 2.6% | 728 4.8% 25.1% | 13,217 87.5% -2.9% | 11,562 5.5% | 466 4.0% 34.7% | 10,343 89.5% 0.3% |
060-2017770100 Tecumseh township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 37 15 | 7,753 2.1% | 728 9.4% 45.0% | 6,384 82.3% -4.6% | 6,011 3.1% | 446 7.4% 58.2% | 5,113 85.1% -3.3% |
060-2017771000 Topeka city, Shawnee County, Kansas | 61 12 | 126,587 -0.7% | 20,749 16.4% 21.9% | 81,243 64.2% -8.6% | 97,555 1.2% | 13,001 13.3% 29.6% | 67,450 69.1% -6.4% |
060-2017771025 Topeka township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 47 27 | 791 -13.7% | 78 9.9% 90.2% | 600 75.9% -27.1% | 624 -12.5% | 52 8.3% 116.7% | 504 80.8% -22.7% |
060-2017779350 Williamsport township, Shawnee County, Kansas | 44 13 | 4,244 6.1% | 339 8.0% 29.9% | 3,212 75.7% -4.2% | 2,876 7.2% | 178 6.2% 57.5% | 2,321 80.7% -2.0% |
Status of sex offenders in Florida
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
* Because tract and legislative district boundaries have changed in some cases, USA TODAY estimated 2020 tract and legislative district population counts based on their new boundaries for consistency.
Total Population Change
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