Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


from North 10 to SECOND 50 per Street, cent. below Corner the of assal NEW, pries. FOR ROLLING SALE, MILL, BARTER, at Manayunk, OR TO with RENT, Fixtares, the PHILADELPHIA, Among them are some Latin, French, Greek, located directly on the Schny kill Canal, having ATTENTIONS TO THE FAIR SEX IN FRANCE, Spanisa, German and Dateb BOOKS. Wharf on it of 150 feet, depth to low water mark of (From the Idler in France," I by Lady struck Blessing with OLD Large Quarto BOOKS Family bought in BIBLES, large only amali $1.19. Rock Turnpike River 400 feet.

through the Manayunk Lot and about Flat 200 the great difference between those of Frenchmen tities feet from the Canal; is very convenient for receiv. Apropos of manners, am or quan- passes of the same station in SMITH BROTHER, No. ing stock and being shipping about seven miles Iron by from the Canal and latter Englishmen women with a politeness that 9 NORTH FIFTH Street, (up stairs) have or Tumpike, The treat are daily from city. The sower is obtained from the water of the the result of habitual amenity; the for- on hand, and CLOCKS of all receiving kinds which the Canal, and at a very low rate For farther inforseems with homage that appears to be inspired manufactory, mer a they are selling as redueed prices. Dealers, by matien address or apply at 330 THIRD NORTH by the peculiar claims woman, of the and sex, is particularized consequently calling and examining our extensive sock of Street, below PRICES Green.

REUSCED in the individual Clocks and learning the price, will be fully satisfied CRONE FROM TWEN more flattering. that by buying at the above establishment they will TY-FIVE TO FORTY PER CENT. An Englishman seldom lays himself out to greatly promote their interest. my6-ly ins commenced business in this city, and being act the agreeable women; of so doing; hence, the HORSES AND CATTLE 2 sell at the lowest to a Frenchman nev. owner and proprietor of extensive quarries, I shall omits an opportunity taten to PASTURE, within Flagstone Walks set wholesale in the prices er attentions of the latter are less gratifying than miles of the city, is on first rate location con- beat manger from 15 to 95 eta.

per foot. those of the former, because a woman, and The careful Grass on the premises, Coring from 12 to 20 inches however Meadows. superior, free from vanuy, may suppose that when an to venient, THOMAS a MARTIN, man Second Street, below Apply wide, 35 to 75 Englishman takes the trouble- it is evi. Christian, Southwark. jy15-1m Dressed Curbing set, 75 to 81 dently a trouble, more or less, to all our island- HORSES TAKEN TO Hydrant and Spout Stone, will 50 10 $1 sack.

ers to enact the agreeable-she has really in- Pasture Hall Persons wishing atone call and see a large spired him with the desire to please. Farm, Horses taken within to 14 miles of the on city, at Street assortment and of 90,000 feet, at my SECOND. Yard. CHESNUI In France, a woman handsome; may forget the that she is of -per week, where good attention will de R. R.

BRIGGS. neither young nor for absence paid them. All Mills mast settled before the be neglected by the male sex. In England, the m25-3m' WM. F.

HUGHES, Shot ENGINES, for Executing Nothese claims to attention does not expose her to Horses are taken from the Farm. S. P. RUGGLES' PATENT JOB AND CARD PRINTING elderly and the ugly could a tale unfold" of Corner Second and Christian streets, South wark. vices, Shop Bills, Billets, Bill Heads, Bills, Cheeks, Post- Bills, Labels, Circulars, Blanks, the naivete with which men evince their sense OASERVE, MAULL'S well known and every variety of CARD PRINTING.

of the importance of youth and beauty, and Stress Bonnet Bleaching and Press. Printers throughout the United States are retheir oblivion of the presence of those who PLACE, ding Second Establishment, 16 Marker GRANGE spectfully informed that the subscriber has just LA have neither. Pailadelphia- street, where between Milliners and and the Arch patented, and put in operation, a new Machine "France is the paradise for old women, partic- lie streeis, in general may rely on having their work tended The for Press Jobs of occupies a large but quarto one size, third and all the ander. pubularly if they a are spirituelle; but England is the cuted in a style equal to any, inferior to none. of the common press, and is worked by a treadle, space purgatory." Orders from the country will meet with unlimited like a common foot lathe, and requires only one attention, as usual.

boy to operate the press, and place the sheets to be "French society has decidedly one great su- N. attended Ladies' Summer Bonnets Mats altered particularly the printed on a table, from which they are taken by periority over English, and that is its freedom most to. fashionable Aiso, shapes. to the machine, carried under the type, and printed from those topics which too often engross so and brought back and delivered immediately under considerable a portion of male conversation, LOOK AT THIS, and SAVE A DOLLAR the eye of the the best pressman. It will turn off work su- of even in the presence of ladies, in England.

CHEAP HAT STORE, No. 234 NORTH from twelve to fifteen hundred by purchasing of CLAUSEN at the perior to hand press, printing at the rate have often passed the evening previously and It will Cards of all kinds with impressions the same per subsequently to race, in which many of the SECOND Russia Hats, from opposite Christ Church. 82.50 to 83.00 hour. rapidity and in print the best style. men present took lively interest, without ever Brush 66 66 3.00 There have been two of these presses for some hearing it made the subject of Silk 66 66 2.00 to 2.50 1.

months constantly running at the office of Mr. S. Could this be said of a party in England, on a Boys' 66 1.25 to 1.75 N. Dickinson, 52 Washington street, Boston also similar occasion? Country Merchants will find it to their advantage at Messrs. Knowles Vose, 15 Market Square, There is of the affectation of 10 call.

0 Dow's forget, opposite Christ Church. Providence, R. also, three at the office of Mr. none avoiding subjects supposed to uninteresting to women CHEAP York, where they may at any time be seen. It is he SERVOSS' W.

L. Burroughs No. 34 Ann street, New visible in the men here. They do not utter with FANCY LOOKING -GLASS, HARDWARE and estimated that one of these presses, with one hand, a smile-half pity, half condescension-" we will do the work of five or six hand presses, with must not talk politics before the ladies they and CLOCK STORE, No. 60 NORTH complement of ten or twelve hands.

entering into discussions, or exhi- SECOND CLOCKS! Street, CLOCKS doors above Arch. Persons wishing to purchase rights for States, merely and deference for avoid biting party spirit, show their From 83 to $15 each. Brass Eight-Day, Alarm, forward Counties, the or Cities, orders or to single S. P. Presses, RUGGLES, will please society by speaking on literature, on and 1 Wood Clocks, warranted for one jy5-2a w2m 152 Washington Boston.

female that which women they are politely well informed. to take granted year, retail. assorted patterns, for wholesale and ETTER TO DR. HIGBEE. Will any Con: seem for sale "Perhaps this deferential treatment of the N.

Repaired and Warranted. j16 the only sumptive known Patient means of neglect cure? to avail himself of gentler sex may not be wholly caused by the Who will run the risk of having DR. HIGBEE is ready at all times to submit to good breeding of the men in France, for I strong- their property destroyed by fire, when it the strictest investigation as to the merits of his suspect that the women here would be very can dollar be and prevented twenty-five by the cents? trifling expense PLATINA of only LIGHT- one Medicine, and into the truth of the testimonials and little disposed to submit to the nonchalance that statements published with his sanction. prompts the conduct I have referred to in Eng. NING ROD POINTS, of the best quality, be firat MR.

COMBS, the writer of the following land, and that who would make his factared and always on band, warranted to a is a most upright and respectable citizen of New letter, any man rate article, at 81.25, such as has always been soid York, and conscious that his life was saved by Dr. horses or his field sports the topic of discourse at 82.50 and $3 00. For sale at the $4 Clock Store, Highee's medicine, he felt it to be a duty to state in their presence, would soon find himself ex- No. 256 RACE Street, above Seventh. the fact to Dr.

H. pelled from their society. WM. D. RAPP.

His disease was understood to be confirmed Con. Frenchwomen still think, and with reason, N. IMPROVED CLOCKS, sumption, and all hope of relief had been abandon. that they the tone of the circles in which one year, at only ed, until the valuable present from an anxious mo. ranted for four dollars, move, and look in- J.

C. SMITH has REMOVED ther, of the same medicine which had preserved her govern with jealousy attention on any his Piano Forte Warehouse to No. own life, restored him from despair, and indicated they sider fringement be of the respectful they 2644 CHESNUT STREET, above the path to health and its blessings. to their due." Ninth, where he respect invites Mr. Combs, it will be seen, refers to Mr.

Joseph NEW the attention of his (neads and the public to his Justice, of Trenton, N. gentleman COMPARISON OF YORK WITH THE PRIN. large assortment of those superior PIANOS, made whose integrity of character is too well established CIPAL. CITIES OF population of by the New York Man efaeturng Company. and by to admit of the supposition that he would sanction the city of New York, by the census of 1840, is GALE, CHRISTOPHER New York.

any attempt at deception. Mr. Justice has been 312,932. Only six of the European cities now Also, great variety of SECOND HAND extensively and favorably known as the pablisher, surpass it, as follows: PIANOS, in complete order, constantly for sale for more than twenty years, of the Trenton Empo. 1.

Lopdon and suburbs, 1,650,000 from 040 to 8175. OLD PIANOS taken in riam and True American- one of in the New oldest and 2. Paris, 900,000 change, Manufacturers bought, repaired, taned, with all dsc. kinds Pins most Read popular the following newspapers extract published of letter, from Jersey. Mr.

3. Constantinople, 600,000 used in manufastaring supplied Prance. of Samuel H. Combs, 198 Essex street, a New York, to 4. St.

Petersburgh, 450,000 A few splendid large size MIRRORS, for sale at Dr. Higbee 5. Naples, 364,000 half the cost of importation. je25-3m NEW YORK, April 10, 1841. 6.

Vienna, 333.000 GLENAT'S LINE OF OMN Dear Sir--I have been using your Syrup, and am The cities next in population are BUSES FROM PHILADELPHIA now quite a different man, and have taken but Lisbon, 260,000 TO GERMANTOWN, MOUNT that three I could bottles, get and before but I commenced I I did not work. think Moscow, 250,000 AIRY, informs citizens of GLENAT respectfully The way that I well, came to take now it, my am mother going to sent for Berlin, 240,000 and the that Germantown, in accordance Mount Airy, with me to come to Trenton, and she would cure me. 202,000 204,000 the wish of numerous individuals, and with a view has She kept knew her the alive value for of five your medicine. and she She thinks says it the public generally, of accommodating the public, he has been induced years, Amsterdam, 201,000 to put on a new line of Omnibuses between the is the best medicine in the world. If you will see Madrid, 201,000 above places, which he intends shall be permanent, Mr.

Justice, Editor of the Trenton (N. 187,000 and to run during the summer in the following um, he will tell you who I am. Liverpool, 180,000 manner, to wit: An omnibus to leave the office Yours, in haste, SAMUEl H. COMBS. Palermo, at the Exchange at 8 o'clock, A.

and another I Dr. H. is daily receiving evidences similar 173,000 at 54 o'clock, P. M. From Mount Airy, to leave to the above, of the astonishing effects of his mediLyons, 165,000 Kern's, Swas Hotel, at half past 7 o'clock, A.

cine in cures of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, 162,000 and 5 P.M. Ulcerated Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, One Rome, 151,000 As it is the wish of the proprietor to render this bottle or less will cure a recent case of Catarrh or Line in every respect worthy of public patronage, Cold. The very first dose convinces the patient of the census of 1831 this was about the popu- he is determined that no exertion on his part shall its efficacy. is very pleasant to the and It taste Ration By of cities. The cf Great be Omnibuses, teams, and never produces nausea or sickness of the stomach.

census wanting. Splendid good careful, and accommodating drivers, may be DR. HIGBEE'S PRINCIPAL OFFICE is at tain for 1841, now being taken, will show a great sober, increase. relied on, and in fact every convenience for the No. 37 NORTH FIFTH STREET, of Philadelphia.

comfort and safety of his passengers. In his efforts His Medicine also be obtained Joseph Scott, PARIS TRADESMEN. -In Paris the tradesman to please he hopes to meet with a share of public Bean Shrack, Norristown, Wind, Pa. Purchasers of Wilmington, John Lancaster; and assumes the right of dictating to the taste of his His the Dr. Higbee's Medicinal Preparations should al.

patronage. customers; in London he only administers to it. mation and facility to every who ways see that his signature is upon every agent at Exchange will give inforEnter a Parisian shop, and ask to be shown vel favor this Line, afford and every his office, No. 12 Exchange may pound j27 those vet, eilk. or riband, to assort with a pattern you Buildings, is an airy and commodious waiting FOR THE SKIN AND have brought of some particular color or quality, room.

The Stages on leaving the Exchange win F. GOURAUD'S "EAU DE BEAUTE" and the mercer, having glanced at it somewhat proceed to the Golden Swan, in Third Street above possesses properties of surprising energy in procontemptuously, places before you six or eight Arch, and Philadelphia, thence to 23, 1841. Germantown, ducing delicate them from white the neck, solar hands beat. and its arms, sooth- and pieces of a different tint and texture. You tell July j23-1mt ing protecting and it By immediately al.

him that they are not similar to the pattern, and TWO EXCURSIONS A DAY lays the smarting ameliorating irritability properties of the skin produced he answers, that may be; nevertheless, my BURLINGTON and BRIS. by the sting of musquitoes or other causes; goods are of the newest fashion, and infinitely -The Steamboat BOLIVAR, suages inflammation, removes cutaneous erupsuperior to your model." You say, you prefer Captain STREET W. WHARF, Whilldin. for will Burlington leave and CHESNUT Bristol, tiens, pimples, blotches, tan, and redness, while, the color of your pattern, and must match it." M. by its dilating properties, it stops the formation of He produces half a dozen pieces still more unlike and 3 o'clock, P.

M. Returning leaves o'clock, Burlington wrinkles, banishes them when present, and elicits every day, Sunday excepted, at 6 A. and to your renewed assertion and Bristol at 74 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clock, P.

M. a beautiful juvenile appearance. be had no. To what you require; where else in Philadelphia, but at 76 CHESNUT that no but the one 10 your pattern Fare for an Excursion, 25 cents each way, 124. Street, south side.

Price $1 per bottle. color similar will suit you, he assures you that his goods are Breakfast and Dinner provided on the up trips. Also, for sale, Da. P. P.

GOURAUD'S VEGE. superior to all others, and that what you require at Freight Bristol and the Marketing morning taken. The to Bolivar stops TABLE ROUGE," an article unequailed for the is out of fashion, and a very bad article, and con- on trip previous landing at permanency of its tint and its perfect imitation of sequently, that had much better abandon Burlington. natural bloom. Price 50 cents per bottle your taste and you adopt Blessington's EACURSION TO BURLING.

Also. for sale, DR. F. F. GOURAUD'S "POUDRES Idler in France.

hose who may visit our delightfal ing Superfluous Hair, which it effects in from five P. MITCHELL informs SUBTILE." or Penetrating Powders, for destroy little city, that he has good acecmmodations, and to ten minutes, removing furze from the cheeks, -Jacob Goughknouer, of Conemaugh beeps a constant supply of ICE CREAMS and hair from the forehead or neck, and, when skilfully township, Cambria county, committed sui- other Refreshments, at his establishment, in MAIN applied, even the strong beard of the chin, without cide on the 23d ult. It appears, that on several a few doors above the Steamboat Landing. injury. Price 81 per bottle.

For sale only, in occasions previous, he asserted his intention of N. -Closed on Sundays. Philadelphia, at 76 CHESNUT Street. 121-1m destroying himself, and when apparently about 0 Parties will be supplied to order. j11 1m' DEAL A.

PLATZ, of Italy, Office, 97 SPRUCE to accomplish his purpose, he would drive the FOR LONG BRANCH, Street, above Fourth, where he also resides. inmates from his house, take his gun, and, after AND -The Sub. He, at the same time, tenders his most grateful the having window firrd it and off, he laugh those put his whom head he out bad of lic, who intend to visit the above named BATHING ment that he has hitherto received in his practice would sariber respectfully informs the pub- acknowledgments for the kindness and encourageat PLACES on the SHORE, that he is a wars in under the SYSTEM OP ME. ejected from his dwelling. readiness to convey persons from BORDEN.

DICINE; and pledges himself, should he be favored On the day above mentioned, he repeated the TOWN who arrive by the 7 o'clock A M. and with a continuation of their confidence, to exert threat to his wife and some friends, cautioning 3 o'elock P. M. Steambonts from Philadelphia. every effort and means in his power, for the benethem not to interfere, or he would kill some of FARE $2-FOUR PERSONS OR MORE fit of suffering humanity.

them. Supposing that he wished to deceive GEORGE CLIFT, He recently received from the Acathem, as on former occasions, they all went out, Two doors above Kester's" Hotel demy of Italy, 545 medicines of various kindsand soon after hearing the report of a gun, they LOOK HERE 85 medicines proved and recommended by the different ran into the house, and found the miserable man HESNUT STREET He has also received Professors, Chemists, and Governments of Italy. stretched upon his a corpse. He is DESPATCH MAIL FOR Pharmacy, in Tinctures, from Leipzic; and some bed lifeless REVIVED AGAIN! the Central said to have been in liquor at the time. He left LINE PITTSBURG specific medicines, from the Professor under whom a wife but no children.

leaves a every Morning, at 6 in he studied, a celebrated old man, for the cure of and kelf PASSENGERS te Days. tais those destructive diseases to which youth Two Three are so NOVEL COMBAT- few days ago, 8 large 17 by Line will travel liable-diseases that are often inhumanly treated in Newfoundland dog dashed into the lake at Pitts- time cheaper in its than by thoroughfare; any other, have not the best consuming accommo. more this city. Having therefore a complete Pharmacy, ville, in pursuit of two beautiful swans and their cations; cross the Allegheny Mountains by day he will dispose of medicines in large or small who were tranquilly navigating the lake. light; arrive in Pittaburg the morning, in quantities to suit purchasers, medical at very candidates reasonable cygnets, prices.

Physicians and desir. The parent swans immediately prepared to con- time for the Boats down the River; and, by the ous of studying, and availing themselves of the ad. vey their charge out of danger, the male bird gal- No. 85 enjoy the CHESNUT Street romantic scenery. vantage of the Homeopathic System, can here find lantly bringing up the rear, like a man of- war pro- je19.7m• A.

L. in the GERHART, place mind that. the means of doing so. jv23-eodim tecting its convoy. The dog, emboldened by A rent.

Office consultation every day from 6 o'clock their flight, gave chase still more vigorously, GOOD INTENT MAIL STAGE 10 9. A from 2 to 7, and from 8 to 10, P. M. when the male swan saddenly tacked about, and FOR ALLENTOWN AND WEST CHESTER RAILboy a dexterous mancuvre, sprang from the water MAUCH CHUNK. -Theabove Line ROAD CARS, and perching himself on his assailant's back, in- running via regalarly between Philadelphia and -On and after Monday, 19thstantly sank him.

The dog had nothing for it Manch DAILY, Chunk, (Sundays Allentown, excepted,) at leaving FOUR Philadelphis o'clock July, Race, will DAILY, leave at 74 the o'clock Hotel, in A. M. BROAD Street, near but to dive. which he did to a considerable dis- A. arriving at Chunk an carly at 1 o'clock P.

tance, and on coming to the surface made the in the Evening of the same day. Return ny, leaves Returning, will leave Wess Chester host of his way out, and home, regardless of the Manch Chunk at TWO o'clock A. and arrives at 7 o'clock A whistle of his master, while the beantiful bird at Philadelphia at FIVE o'co*ck P. M. at 2 P.

M. arched his neck and sailed triumphantly after his 17 For Seats apply at the General Stage Offse, The Cars will stop for the accommodation of Pas. No. 104 RACE Street, above Third. sengers, at White Hail, Morgan's Corner, Mansion je2.3m• R.

MITCHELL Agent. House, Paoll. Green Tree, and other places on the convoy. COD FISHERIES OF THE im- PASSAGE TO AND FROM Railroad. WM.

WILLIAMSON, Columbia ERRAT BRITAIN and IRRLAND, 117-d1 Secretary. portant item of commerce employs 400 ships of 50,000 tons, and 11,000 sailors. 200 transport direct, via LIVERPOOL and GERMANY, RHEUMATIC LINIMENT- NO QUACKERY! it. The French 2,000 sailors confined are also connected with PACKET SHIPS, leaving the above ports weekly. daced to the notice invaluable of the preparation citizens of was Philadelphia in vessels and can be secured on low terms, per first class first introUtrecht are by the treaty of Agents ef the first respectability (1713) to the right of fishing on the throughout England, Ireland and are Scotland, engaged who ry January, testimonials 1830, in The its many favor, received undoubted from and those on volunta.

eastern and western coasts of Newfoundland, will pay every autention to the Emigrant on his whom all other applications had failed, have induced without power of establishing themselves on way to Liverpool, No. 16 by South applying to HERDMAN the advertiser to continue its preparation and sale land except for the temporary purpose of drying KEENAN, street, New York, or to at 76 CHESNUT Street. Price 50 cents. 8126 and curing the fish. Her only places of shelter P.


from Holland, reare the islands of St. Pierre and Miguelon, which Philadelphia. informs his friends and the public do not even possess wood enough for ordinary STEAMBOAT AND generally, that he cures Piles, Fistu'as, Rheuma. fuel. RAILROAD LINE TO THE tism, Gout, Swellings of the Breast, Sickness of the via VIRGINIA SPRINGS.

Stomach, Dyspepsia, Deafness, Frosted Feet, A GOOD CRITERION by which to judge the CHARLOTTESVILLE, UNIVERSITY OF Scurvy ef the Gums, and also cures Corns in five disposition of a man, is to watch him when he travelling avoided. NATURAL to the BRIDGE, Virginia te. Springs -Night Dr. minutes, V. will without make drawing blood for or the causing above pain.

VIRGINIA, some boys playing marbles. A kind man taking the Cars for Washington, at 9 A. go by or demand any pay without no charge diseases will step their out of the way while and let the little fellows the Potomac Steamboat and Richmond and thence Prede- care of the same; also, numerous diseases cured, effecting a complete have sport out, a crabbed one will ricksburg Railroad to the junction to lodge- cost of Medicine excepted. Office hours from 7 to push through the ring" knocking taw" and proceed the next morning by the Louisa Railroad 1A. and from 2 to 7 P.

M. Residence, No. 55 marbles to the deuse. and Stages, via Charlottesville and the University GASKILL between Third and Fourth. of choice Virginia of lines to by where the passengers Warm have D' No.

102 CALLOWHILL LAZINESS. Rochefoucault says that lazines and the other one celebrated way of Natural Springs of Street, above THIRD, South side. -It in often masters all the passions. If this were Virginia--both by the arriving the White Bridge Sulphur possible to cure any inveterate disease, such at true it could hardly be said that idlenem is the Spings on the third day after leaving Baltimore. Quiney, Gout, Rheumatism, Inflammation of the root of all evil, since this in supposed to spring The above route is equally speedy, has much Lungs, and all Secret Diseases, with his entirely from the passions only so that, that which mas less than the staging, valley and line, will be found far less other fatiguing al- ported from France, which method gives more elnew, pleasant CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, imters passions (namely laziness) would in tractions, and the proprietors the feet in one hour than any heretofore of drugs in all the of its no much--be a lines on it are pledged to the of railroad different companies stage 10 some weeks or months.

It will eradicate any There are loftier emotions, which afford us of passengers which provided can equal to the largest number case is have conches cret Disease, almost instantly, for ever. Each a contentment such as it is in vain to seek in will be furnished to those who 10 be above. Without Mercary or offer, and that extra stages warranted, as may be seen by certificates the amuesments of the world; and in the higher travel at the pleasure of their may occupants desire them, to Salem. 117-1m joys there, in also. kept a secret treasure for Besides of the above line, travellers taking the route RED DROP Hunter's Antimerstrengthening the understanding." by ericksburg way Railroad, Washington and the Richmond and curial Syrup and Hunter's Mixture.

Those may, if they prefer it, proceed well known remedies are sold only at the Drug RETURN, -The Ex-Hon. Asa Child, the to Richmond, Por farther and thence by canal packets to Lynch- Stores of P. Williamson, corner of Second and Railroad defalcator, Hartford from his trip STOCKTON to FALLS, Pifth F. Kiett, corner of Callowhill and Sehas returned, barg. apply Almond F.

Brown, corner of Cheenst and to the South. So says the Adjoining the Philadelphia Railroad Office, cond streets, where the Boston Transcript, 129-2mt Pratt Baltimore. to be obtained. genwine are sure medicines street, W' LAW Street, JEWELLER, No. below BOOKAN PO and others.

TO SCHOOL COUNTRY (fall MER. and which IN are CHILDREN. exposed, -Of none all are diseases so Pine, Philadelphia, Ail kinds of JEWELRY made anit bound) BLANK than BOOKS, which will be sold tal seldom to them as Worms. Unfortunntely, children are to order, and repaired at the shortest notice, on the for Cash cheaper they can be had in the elty. free from them, and AS they imitate the most or reasonable in terma.

Cash given Jewelry, for old Gold Musical or the Also on stock of hand a large Circulating collection Library, of in NOVELS, single copies being often symptoms produce of almost every other complaint, they Silver, taken exchange. a alarming effects without being susInstruments, of Violin FANCY Strings, ARTICLES Guns, sold Pistols, cheap or dozen lots. -COPY RULED BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, 50-CYPHERING at 31 cents 81. per pected. themselves, Worms but are not only a cause of disease at the above place.

my4-3m -FAMILY Books BIBLES 01 order. 194. Paper Ruled and other diseases, wandering from one part of the a body and a variety by their irritation aggravate all OF FACULTY Acoount Bound to JOHN B. PERRY to and another, winding the themselves up into large bails CF Lectures in this Institution NORTH obstructing bowels, and frequently the commence the 1st MONDAY in September. The 3m below Race The desired remedy will be found in 100 Dr.

often JAVNE'8 death. 881 SECOND Street, throat, causing convulsions, and the extension of the term of six months being required OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, from TONIC VERMIFUGE, which my0 by present state of medicine, and having met DRINTING, the Worms, and invigorate will the very soon dewith universal approbation, the course will be pro- the LARGEST SIZE POSTING BILLS down stroy powers of di. only longed 4 to months' March 1st. attendance The will, innovation for the being present, recent, be to less than CARDS at and other LABELS, Office, done by at least one fourth Prepared only at No. 90 SOUTH THIRD restion so as to prevent a return of them.

required. The course will be complete to those C. any L. HUGHES, 40 WALNUT Street, Street, who enter November 1st to 10th. Clinical Lectures one door below Second.

INHE GREAT OMNIBUS NEW PAPER OF as usual in Balto. Infirmary. Also, constantly for sale- Stationery, SCHOOL PHILADELPHIA, called the "'UNITED NATH. POTTER, M. Professor of Theory BOOKS, BLANKS, Miscellaneous and Juvenile is the CHEAPEST WEEKLY and Practice of Medleine.

Books, at reduced prices. m15-lyt ONLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER NOW PUBLISHED, RICH. W. HALL, M. Professor of Hygiene, BOOK, JOB AND TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN AD.

Med. Jurisprudence, and Obstetrics. PRINTER, 112 CHESNUT Street, VANCE for Six Months. SAML. G.

BAKER, M. Professor of Materia entrance in Hudson's Alley. On the 1st of May, 1811, ae insued Medica, and Therapeutics. Books, Circulars, Bills of Lading, the first number of a weakly newspaper of the WM. E.

A. AIKIN, M. Prof. of Chemistry, Pamphlets, Checks, Handbills, MAMMOTH CLASS, the distinction NATHAN R. SMITH, M.

Professor Catalogues, Bill Heads, Hat Tips, ties of which may thus be stated gery, Lecturer on Anatomy. Tickets, Labels, Notices, and Blanks of alt kinds, I. A HIGH LITERARY CHARACTER is imo ALEX. C. ROBINSON, M.

Assistant Lee- PRINTED IN THE BEST MANNER, AT FAIR PRICES. pressed upon it. The magasine and book literature turer on Anatomy. Business, Professional, and Visiting CARDS diligently searched for will things be new, Interestjy29-2mt N. R.

SMITH, Dean. elegantly printed on a polished surface, with Fancy, ing and important, which set up for its NITY TOOL STORE, 347 MARKET Street, Plain, Ornamental, and Script Type, similar in columns and the came matter will not be Philadelphia. 20-3m' pearance to and copperplate, Bronze at price. executed Tales and Poetry from and half the used in any other paper. W.

CARPENTER'S Lancaster PLANE'S. Gold, Silver Printing in the pers of the best periodW. BEATTY SON'S EDGE TOOLS. ail its branches, together with Xylographic Print- writers of America and Eurose: Short and J. L.

WILLIANS' COOPERS' TOOLS. ing, in every variety of color. f1-codtf men who have been Comprehensive Biographisal Sketches of good and MOULSONS' BRACES and BURTON No. 25 NORTH SIXTH morale, science, statesmanship, eminent or in religion, AUGERS and AUGER BITT8- D' Street. -Constantly hand large anecdotes, rich humor, wit, and arme: just piquant ADDIS' CARVING TOOLS Hardware, Gauges.

ment of THOMSONIAN and other BOTANIC are a'l embraced in this feature of the on assort. pointed satire Also, a general assortment of Building MEDICINES, Wholesale and Retail. Also, Bur- STATES. UNITED for sale low, by YARNALL MoCLURE. ton's Purifier of the Blood and Cure of Scrofala.

IL TO ORIGINAL ESSA ON POLITICAL AND SUMMER COMPLAINTS COUGH SYRUP, a sure cure for all forms of Cough. ECONOMY a large space is appropriated. Under BALSAM. CURED BY JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE Liver Vegetable affections. WINE Pilla, to correct, Bile and this head comes every topic involring a RHEUMATIC OINTMENT; BITTERS, for WORM Dyspep- SY.

pie that may affect, immediately or remotely, the Darlington, Beaver 1839. common and National welfare and these win be Dr. D. Jayne--Dear Bir-My Little son, a when RUP, ke. discussed at length, in an impartial but independent about two months old, was seized with bowel DR.

BURTON'S OFFICE in the rear of the spirit, only the WE and complaint, caused as I supposed by a change of diet Store. Office hours, 7 to 8 A. 1 to 4 P. M. Ad- partisan politics.

-it continued for two weeks without intermission, vice to the poor gratis. III. THE 4 AMOUNT OF EDITORIAL furnishand notwithstanding the remedies prescribed by a NURE FOR CHOLERA MORBUS AND ed in the United is more than six times respectable physician, to we fatal gave up disease. the child a I vie- COMPLAINT. as great as that furnished in any other literary tim, as we supposed, a But pro- This may certify that I have used Doctor Jayne's weekly family sheet published in America.

Every videntially heard of "JAYNE'S CARMINA- Carminative Balsam very extensively in Bowel subjec: of public interest; all erroneous principles TIVE," as en effectual cure for bowel complaint, Complaints, and have not the least hesitation in whether in Morals, Politics or Finance, which and immediately despatched a messenger to a town declaring it superior 10 any preparation that I have daszie and delude, come with the scone of the seventeen miles off for a bottle. By the use of met with, for the relief of those diseases. editorial pen of this paper, and receive that calm this medicine, in less than thirty-six hours the WILLIAM SPELLING, M. D. and Ineid exposiuon which their importance and case was checked; and by its continued use for a Physician to the Cumberland, N.

J. Almakeuse. the brute may require. few days the child was restored to perfect health Brighton, July 19, 1836. IV.

TO THE STATESMAN the United States Shortly after this, there occurred a similar case in Da. D. JAYNE, -Dear made use will be found useful and interesting. as in 11 are conone of the families congregation. I prescrib your Carminative Balsam in my family, and find.

tinually published, a mass of ice, interesting ed "JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE," and the result ing to be to the complaints for documents emanating frema gore nment, letters WAS a speedy cure. From a knowledge of the effi- which it it is intended, admirably I take adapted pleasure in pamphlets from distinguisged mar, with able and cacy of Dr. Jayne's medicines, I advise every it of friends and the public reviews of the messateR of those in anfamily to keep it on hand, ready for any emergen- irg rally, to the believing use those my who are afflicted with any gene- of thority, and of the opinions and conduct of those cy. Respectfully, yours, those complaints will find relief in the use of this who may in any way come bein. the public in a ARTHUR B.

BRADFORD, valuable medicine. conspicuous and importana posstion. Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Dovlestown, Pa. JONATHAN GO D. V.

THE FARMER wil: find has intorette also Street, Philadelphia. Price 50 Centa. jy19-1mt Presidens of franvilla Collage, and improvements in his business Prepared by Dr. JAYNE, 20 SOUTH THIRD Bite. consulted, and be informed of the latest experiments TRIVALLED CELEBRITY GIL.

New York, by May DR. 20, JAYNE, 1837. 20 SOUTH THIRD VI AS A NEWSPAPER Prepared simply, the United BERT'S ANTI-BILIOUS FAMILY PILLS, Street -Price 50 cents. 117 1m1 States is sot equailed will by any contain fell literary payer Compouaded entirely from Vegetable Substances. now existing.

account of It and well -These PILLS are confidently recommended as CURED by DR. SWA'NE'S gested every matter of news up to the safe, easy and pleasant aperient they are cot put COMPOUND SYRUP of WILD CHERRY. Sour of in It advance is not of printed, dace. as some are, forth as a cure for all diseases, bet for Bilious and -la there any one can doubt, after hearing the two or three days its This is Liver Complaints, and their many well- known at- timony of such aman as Robert Glenn. Steward of great desideratum to those who take only a single tendants-bilious and sick headach, pain and Frankford Poorhouse, in Philadelphia concern- weekly paper, and which ins ens less extensive than pression after meals, giddiness, singing noise in ing Va'enune Chapman, who was in that instita.

those connected with cannot tHe establishment of the the ears, drowsiness, heartbart, lose of appetite, tion and was laboring under a severe Pelmonary United States accomplish The number wind, spasms, Affection. His symptone were a vioient cough, of persons employed, and steam al power engaged For Females these Pills are particularly adapted, pein ie the ride and breast, great loss of strength La the pratication of this gaper, sogether surpass removing the distressing headach so prevalent with with many other symptoms which seemed likely that of any ether of UNITED similar or. the sex, depression of spirite, dullness of right, produce a fatal in a very short rime. In short, the STATES in all re. nervoks affections, and sallowness of the skin, and Suffice it to say, through the kindness of the speets equal, if not superior to any of its class, giving a healthy and juvenile bioom te the steward, he was assisted to procure a few Botties in price veer, it is far cheaper the Instead shree plexion.

of DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF dollars a which price of the For persons of a Full Habit they will remove all WILD CHERRY, which gradually began so re- mammoth newspapers of New York and the two unpleasant symptoms arising from too great a flew stere healths and strength He is at this time, not- ef Boston, the subser ptio. the UNITED STATES' of biood to the head. And for withstanding the diseased state he was redaced to, is ONLY TWO DOLLARS PER Eideriy People they will be found to be the most performing the arduous duties of a daily laborer. Tre paper used in printire it is of the finest comfortable medicine hitherto prepared.

Their ROBERT GLENN. quality, and the typographical execution neat and great merits consist in being perfectly harmless and Steward of Frankford Poo. house. workmanlike. efficient.

Price 25 cents per box. For sale, For at the follewing places, viz 10 Postmasters, or others, remitting to us sale and retail, by BURK, Druggist, 244 Lombard street dollars will receive six covies. EDWARD C. BOLTON, Wholesale Agent, low Eighth. On no condition toil a copy ever be sene unsil she No.

986 MARKET Street, above Eighth. THOMAS E. PRYOR, Northeast corner of Seand payment is received. N. PRESSED HERBS.

fresh, and Poplar streets Newsmen end Boys supplied at the rate of $3.50 in papers from one ounce to half a pound, received E. H. GGINS, Druggist, Callowhill street, third per hundred; Single cop es SIX ENTS. constantly in quantity. Also, Gilbert's Vegetable door below Marshall.

Address, pos paid, Cephalic Snuff, for headach; Gilbert's Worm Tea; JAMES M. DAVIS, 449 Market street, between SWAIN ABELL SIMMONS, Gilbert's Anti- Dyspeptic Lozenges, Twelfth and Thirteenth. S. W.Corner of TH'RD and CHESNUT Streets, Also for sale by the fo lowing J. STOVEL.

Callowhrli street, near Fairmount. 1.28-11 Philadelphia. riek Brown, Fifth and Chesnut streets; TOWNSEND, LAYco*ck, West HEAP FAMILY The ProThompson Pancoast, corner Second and Market MARY French and German Fancy prietors of the "BALTIMORE DAILY SUN" streets; Henry C. Blair, corner of Eighth and Wal- Store, 59 street. streei, present to their fellow citizens the best and nut caster--and streets and J.

Gish, North Queen street, Lan- Mre. PARKER, Beach opposite the end of eat Weekly Newspaper, under the name of the cheap. United States. by most Druggists thronghout m21-6m the the MARSHALL Market, Kensington. PHILLIPS, Bole for Wil- BALTIMORR WEEKLY SUN," that is pubAgent lished in the United States.

This contains the EVIVAL of the following Highly Approved J. C. miegion, LACOUR, Druggist. Jersey. tire contents of each separate day' desue with the FAMILY Camden, New exception of the advertisem*nts, compiled under ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, which prevent and cure SAMUEL SWOPE, Frankford.

appropriate heads, and published upon a large sheet all Bilious Complaints, Malignant Fevers, LLOYD, Darby. every Saturday morning, at the low rate of 81.50 -These Pille, if, administered in time to JOHN RITTENHOUSE, Germantown. per annum, payable invariably in advance. For move the bile, will counteract the causes which T. BEAN SMITH, SCHRACK, Doyleswown.

Norr: stowa. six months $1. No paper will be continued longer produce the Yellow or the Bilious Fe- KERNS, than for which it is paid. ver, the Ague and Fever, Bilious Cholic, W. M.

MATHIOT, Columbia. It is asserted, the possibility of successJESSE West Chester. without ay, Dysentery, Worms, Bilious Vomiting, Sick and A. KEEFER. ful controversy, that the WEEKLY SUN is not Foul Stomach, Headach, Loss of Appetite, Flat- EN Harrisbarg.

KEEPS, Pottsville. now equalled in its peculiar character of a Family alency, Epileptic Fits, Hypochondria, Hysterical MeCLURE, Lewistown, Pa. Newspaper, and shall matter never surpassed by and Female Complaints generally, Indigestion, Ha- other. The literary contained therein will bitual Costiveness, Colds and Coughs, Asthma, JACOB WATERMAN, Holmesburg. be always selected with due care to blend instrueStargary, Gravel, Rheumatism, and Gout.

Dr DEMUT W. MIL NOR, BUMGARDNER, 192 Broadway, York. New York, tion with entertainment. We shall particularly Also, an effectual cure for the Scurvy, Surfeit, RICHARD ORRIS, of William, 254 Market avoid trash, however splendidly it may be arranged Scorbutie Blotches, and for -and all in words, and endeavor thereby to cultivate a corImpurities in the Blood yield ef- F. street, WOOLMAN, Baltimore.

New sect taste in the youthful mind. With this aim, we fects, whether proceeding from constitutional ail. COPPECK, Burlington, Jersey. shall never allow an inferior aricle to occupy our ment, or arising from indisereet intemperance. J.

Mount Holly, do. columns to the exclusion of a good one They are highly recommended to travellers by C. M. SMITH, MICKLE, Salem, Woodbury, do. do.

In the editorial department we maintain and exsea or land, and may be made use of with safety ercise the right to discuss freely, impartially, and without change of diet, and in situations where no J. SAVRES, Alexandra, District of Columbia. with a dignified tone, the prominent subjects of the exercise can be used. They will be found partic- 07 SWAYNE, Northeast corner prepared ELEVENTH only by DR. and day, of whatever class or character they may be, The stove Medicine alariy valuable for preventing diseases incidental RACE streets, Philadelphia, to whom all orders 10 that they are embraced within that legitimate to hot climates; they deterge and cleanse viseid should be directed.

3m scope of the pen which a proper respect for public humors, open obstructions, promote the secretion of decorum, as well as our own discretion, will teach good bile, operate as an easy cathartic, as a ASTHMA as to observe. Virue and vice we hope to exhibit erful dioretic, and as a diaphoretic. Ohio, May 18 1841. -Dear -Doctor Helmick in such relief that the true distinctive qualities of Price 25 cents; large tox, 50 cents. has used acme 8 or 10 bottles of your Expectorant, each will become familiar to the popular gaze.

Dr. Robertson' Celebrated Stomachic Elixir of and has found decided benefit. His health is bet- Our political information will be generally com. Health -price 81 50-for the cure of Coughs, Colds, ter than for several years past, and his appearance prised in a brief and comprehensive correspondence, Consumption, Hooping Cough, Asthma. Pain in indicates decided improvement in health.

His con- conducted by a judicious observer of legislative prothe Breast, Wind in the Stomach, Bowel Com- fidence in your medicine has indeced him to re- ceedings, who possesses peculiar tact and ability plaints. commend it to his friends, and we are informed in seizing upon the promiuent and real events of Dr. Robertson's Vegetable Nervous Cordial, or that many of them have been cured, and others national legislation, and presenting them in a conNature's Grand Restorative--price $1 50-recom- greatly relieved. POTTE GRAHAM. cise and interesting form.

rended for the cure of all nervous complaints, in- Dr. D. Jayne. In the news department we have secured ward weakness, depression of the spirits, headach, 07 Prepared only at No. 29 South THIRD ties which ensure to us a speedy and accurate retremor, faintness, hysteric fits, debility, Philadeiphia.

port of all passing events worthy of our potice, or use of mercury, diseases peculiar females. facilities the reader's attention. A large exch-nge list, comDr. Robertson's Celebrated Gout and Rheumatic for business in the PRESS prising nearly every paper in the State, and all Drops -price 82-a safe and effectual cure for the ROOM of the arrangement LEDGER PRINTING ESTAB. journals and publications of note or service 1 roughGout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Stone and Gravel, LISHMENT are now such that the Foreman is out the Union, enables us to lay before our sub.

Swellings and Weakness of the Joints, Sprains, Frosted prepared to contraet to do NEWSPAPER PRESS. scribers With every these week a qualifications, map of the and news of the world. Bruises, Pains in the head and Face, WORK to any amount, either day or night, upon many others we Feet, advantageous terms to Publishers. Capable of may not occupy space to enumerate, the WERKLY Dr. Robertson's Stomachic Bitters--price $1- printing FIVE THOUSAND TOKENS (or OmI SUN presents its claims to an extension of public celebrated for strengthening a weak stomach, million and a quarter impressions) PER favor; at the same time the Proprietors gratefally creasing the appetite, and a certain preventive and he believes that he can contract with the Publishers acknowledge the very handsome support and pacure for the fever and ague, of WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, having large edi.

tronage they now enjoy. A. S. ABELL CO. Dr.

Robertson' Infallible Worm Destroying Lo- tions, to do their Presswork upon more favorable Raltimore. July, 1841. j29-1f of zenges, worms from the human body- price 50 cents. terms than they can do it for themselves. For par- NO THE LADIES -NO EXCUSE FOR HAIRY which will effectually expel every species Dr.

Vicker's Ointment for the of Tetter, ticulars apply to SWAIN, ABELL SIMMONS, I UPPER LIPS. -Dr. FELIX GOURAUD'S DEcure At the Ledger Office, corner THIRD and CHES. PILATORY POWDERS -price 374 cents. WILL Dr.

Vicker's Embrocation for the NUT Streets. 826-tf BOOT ALL HAIR FRONTER PART WHERE Ringworm, Rheumatism, BANDAGE WITHOUT THE SLIGBTEST INJURY TO APPLIND, 374 cents. SURGEONS' THE SKIN. The Circassian Eye Water, celebrated for car. INSTITUTE No.

11 ARCADE, East Avenue, The researches into made by Dr. Felix Gouraud, Chemical ing most diseases of the eyes-price 25 cents. where the various kinds of TRUSSES BANDAGES can be quiries- his long, wearied and laborioss intical Chemist, Philosophical and Dr. Dyott's Patent Itch Ointment, for pleasant. had, or made to -such as for Rup- an applicasafety, expedition, and certainty of cure, is ture, upon an entirely new for Prolapses principle; also, im.

tion to analysation the of study medical of second plans, causes- herbs and -the minerals- chemical ness, removal of by this disagreeable and tormenting use, com- dominal Compressors for the relief of Sea Sickness a contemplation of the pious system, or the unequalled any other medicine in for the proved Spring Bandages Uteri, Abprinci- plaint. It has no unpleasant snell, and may be and Enlargement of the Abdemen, Peri- ples by accelerated, growth of may destroyed in which the hair be produced used on the youngest infant with -price 50 neal Bandages, for the cure of Piles and Prolapses or completely a cents. Ani drocele and Suspensory Varicocele; Bandages, Shoulder for the for Hy. the the theory and prartice of the capillary system, in relief of word, a minute and penetrating investigation into remedy Mahy's for ulcers and sore breasts, sovereign boils, relief of Pain in the Chest; Spring Bandages, for all its whimsical ramilications, are the source from Renowned Plaster Cloth--a Braces, legs, swellings, sprains, sores, cuts, bruises, pains Deformity of the Spine, whence these important and wonderfui powders are in sore the back and breasts, corns on the feet, ke. Pamphlets, describing the use of Bandages, can recommended to all annoyed with hair, -price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.

be had gratis at the B. C. institate. EVERETT, of either the on neck, the and upper hands. lip.

sides of the face, brow, back Rush and Physic. of Philadelphia, and by the most It would be idle to deny the disfigurement to Approved and recommended by the late Drs. m20-3m Principal. of the in the United States. RHEUMATIC LINIMENT QUACKERY female face by the demonstrations of a beard, or 10 eminent faculty and various have been and CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC.

now the medicinal introduced are question the outrage inflicted on a lofty intelwhich has been carried the preparations the pub- lectual brow, when its beauties are aidden from the to During against the original proprietor and of notice through medium Press, assuming eye by a mass of superfluove hair. A fine arched the persecation on the above valuable medicines, the public preparer have, no 10 cere every malady incident 10 the human frame. forehead is indisputably the finest attribute of beam. in been deprived of the use but which have failed in relief after having excited ty. One year has scarcely elapsed since these of doubt, them, a and great the measure demand for them has induced the hopes of those afflicted, that it is with some dif- powders were first innoduced to the notice in the DRUG line to fidence the advertiser asks the confidence of the of the citizens of the United States, and they have some unprincipled person of Bihious Pills subise in the merit of the medicicine now offered for gradually risen into universal and tempt Plaster.

It is care of one class of diseases. No words are ton, and superseded every other preparation of the the counterfeiting the Anti- and deserved reputathe be of whom needed to convince those who have tried this modi. kind heretofore in use- is which have not Mahy's necessary, therefore, to caution as public the to genuine particular medicines they eine of its superior healing qualities, and it is from only been all are now the in which it has entirely eradicated but have withal inadequate injured the sin. destruction hair, to the of the purchase, and under the immediate and many cases the signature, formerly, of T. W.

Dy. that the Rheumatism advertiser in its relies worst in and the most RHEUMATIC settled stages, LIN- 0 Recollect that PHILADELPHIA, these at Powders 76 are to CHESNUT be had will bear ott, M. D. for further only guarding the against any IMENT not being classed among the inefficent nos- and that Druggists never sell them. And ONLY, in No.

ber, at his office, are No 864 North SECOND street, trume of the day; and from this knowledge of its These Powders are equally efficacious in uprootimposition, they for sale by aid Race streets, a few doors above tact properttes that the to present advertiser it to those commenced affleted. its From the ing the stroncest beards. Price $1 per bottle. the Mount Arch Vernon side, and by his much with view to accommodate such as preparation NEW PRINTING OFFICE. between appointment, by G.

a. Woodward, N. as to a mate it themselves, receipt were hav. of the Public Ledger have added to their The Proprietors corner of Third and Arch streets. not tug been pablished at the time,) as with one of pro- lishment a handsome variety of Job Type Presses willing (the T.

W. DrOTT, Jr. fit to it as a and Printing Materials. The Foreman of that deAll persons authorized to sell the above genuine he has at having been called upon for it when partment is now prepared to execute all orders for and not engaged medicines will in future be furnished with a out siness, of the article. times To those who have been thas Letter Press Printing which may come to band ficate, which will be renewed from year to year, disappointed he takes occasion 10 that a full BOOKS, OP INSURANCE, CARDS, copy of which follows supply is made, and can be had say in future PAMPHLETS, BILLS OF LADING, CHECKS, COPY OF CERTIPICATE.

out fail, now his residence, No. 76 CHESNUT Street, BILL HEADS, I CIRCULARS. This is to certify that I have hereby authorized between Second and Third, south side. BLANKS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, at and appointed of to sell W. the celebrated M.

Price 50 cente per bottle ROAD, STAGE AND STEAMBOAT BILLS, family medicines prepared by 1841. T. DYOTT, LAUREL CO. are fully certain that 110 of every variety and size, with appropriate for one year from and safe ings, ke. Witness my hand and seal, this day of 1841.

medicine can be produced so diseases, or They have spared no expense in the selection of efficient W. known DTOTT, Jr. as their ERADICATOR, matter what form their materiale, in order to procare the handsomest T. for certain N. -The of celebrity enlightened and well public opinion in or so extent.

convenient The for the medicine patient, in prompt, plensant, and and best in the country; and they expect to please merits, no the approbation consequence of the many those who may leave their orders with them, both favor of these medicines, and their general use competent to cure. in other in quality and price. The public may rely on panethroughout the United States for nearly forty encomiums years desperate cases cured he by deems it proper simply to tuality. Their terms are CASH, and they are the Doctor, after all past, renders it useless to publish any remedies had failed, of all who vaine their fore enabled to do work cheaper than if en or certificates relative to merits, any further notice, for the apply with confidence to one credit. m94 their well-being than for the public to know where they are to be health, that they may his profession.

Recent CASES OFFICE. THIRD STORY, "LEDGER procured. fully adequate to in six or eight days less time is BUILDING, Southwest corner of THIRD and 17 Those who purchase the discount. quantity to sell be Those affected with mercury may CHESNUT Streets- entrance from either street. by will removed again, will Persons wishing a become will be not consult a guarantee of cure.

Apply at be allowed liberal perfect. to agents Street, firstdoor R.KINKELIN, GERMAN PHYSICIAN, appointed by a suitable application, and a reference 94 COMPTROLLER from 128-1m Spruce, W. corner of THIRD and UNION Streets, is as to standing, to T. W. DYOTT, above Second.

daily eradicating the most deplorable DISEASES LANGOLF, No. 109 CALLOWHILL 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE have chabled arising from impurity of the blood, or originating Street, above Third, well conn- No. 74 those of SPRUCE Street, to cure from Case vitiated humors. invalids Howsoever sure Protracted conducted the try as a successful practician, in enring the most any disease, guarantees especially to eradicate a without delicate mercury nature, with may propriety. bey TREATMENT are to always be and dreadful eradicated, segret as can be diseases, proved by certificates to be or copaibe, in half the asual time.

For proof that prompt CURE warranted and perfect. NONE, which he has entirely which he seen as above. Dr. La. hrs discovered a Compo- his medicine before is not injurious, he proposes to swal.

not even thuse pronunced INCURABLE, is need beteition which effects permanent cure almost in- low it the patient. If our Quacks had to do despair of relief Consalt the Doctor, late stantly, without Mercury or Balsam. Cheaper good home until gracious! 10 Terms moderate. than Terms never. ascommodating.

His opinion and advice are gratis.than ever. o'clock..

Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


What is the meaning of public ledger? ›

A cryptocurrency public ledger is a decentralized record-keeping system that uses cryptography and key pairs while relying on distributed participants for security. The ledger provides pseudo-anonymization for participants' identities and records their respective cryptocurrency balances and transactions.

What is the history of the ledger in Philadelphia? ›

The Public Ledger was a daily newspaper in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, published from March 25, 1836, to January 1942. Its motto was "Virtue, Liberty, and Independence". It was Philadelphia's most widely-circulated newspaper for a period, but its circulation began declining in the mid-1930s.

What do you mean by ledger? ›

A ledger in accounting refers to a book that contains different accounts where records of transactions pertaining to a specific account is stored. It is also known as the book of final entry or principal book of accounts. It is a book where all transactions either debited or credited are stored.

What is a ledger example? ›

Examples of common ledger accounts include: Asset accounts, such as cash, prepaid expenses, accounts receivable, and furniture and fixtures. Liability accounts, including accounts payable, accrued expenses, lines of credit, and notes payable.

Who owns the public ledger building in Philadelphia? ›

The historic structure that fills the city block between Chestnut and Sansom and Sixth and Seventh Streets is carved into multiple condominium units. Baycrest purchased the western side of the Public Ledger building in 2018 for $32 million. Wawa owns its space at the northeast corner facing Independence Hall.

What is the nickname for the Philadelphia Alley? ›


This quiet, picturesque passage between Queen and Cumberland streets was known as “Cow Alley” even into the 20th century, the nickname possibly derived from its use by early settlers to drive their cows to pasture or to market.

Who owns Alleys in Philadelphia? ›

Sidewalks, alleys, driveways, and retaining walls

They belong to the property owner.

What is the difference between public ledger and private ledger? ›

The sole distinction between public and private blockchain is public blockchain, anyone can read and write on the ledger. ... But in a private blockchain, only a single organization can read and write on the ledger. More so, only a handful of nodes can write on the ledger.

What is the ledger on my bank account? ›

The ledger balance is the opening balance in the bank account the next morning and remains the same all day. The ledger balance is also often referred to as the current balance and is different than the available balance in an account.

When it comes to a public ledger, anyone can add a line.? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. In a public ledger, anyone can view the entries recorded on the ledger, but not necessarily add a line. Public ledgers are typically maintained by a decentralized network of computers or nodes, and entries can only be added or modified through a consensus mechanism agreed upon by the network.

What are the two types of ledger? ›

There are two types of ledgers used in accounting: the general ledger and the subsidiary ledger. The general ledger contains information on all of the accounts, while the subsidiary ledger contains information for a specific general ledger account.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.